When only the best will do!
Whilst we have no wish to over constrain our members, sport tends to introduce elements of competition and excitement. Whether on the field, relaxing with a beer or just around the club, we require certain standard of behaviour.
Code of Conduct for Sport
based on ‘ISA Code of Conduct (March 2011)’, and has been adapted for the Coaches, Volunteers and Players of BISC.
The Code is being worked on and will be republished when the new code is ready.
1. Coaches and Volunteers
1. Coaches, Volunteers and hired professional Coaches must use appropriate language and behaviour during sport practices, matches and competitions.
2. Coaches must be reasonable in their demands on children’s time, energy and enthusiasm. 3. Sport should be played for fun and enjoyment, winning is only part of this. Never ridicule or shout at a child for making a mistake or losing a match.
4. Coaches should make a personal commitment to keep themselves informed on sound coaching principles and the principles of player development.
5. Ensure that players respect the ability of their opponents and the judgement of match officials.
6. Coaches should try to arrange an appropriate balance between practice and fixtures – giving opportunity to all players who wish to participate without over playing the most able.
7. Keep a good relationship with other Schools’ teachers and coaches. Never accuse them of cheating; refer the issue to the Head of Sport.
8. Players should be grouped according to age, physical maturity and skill where appropriate and in accordance with the relevant NGB.
9. Ensure that equipment and facilities are appropriate to the age and ability of the players.
10. Coach players that the rules/laws of the game are for their own safety and should be respected at all times.
11. All regular volunteers must be CRB checked and fully conversant with section safeguarding procedures.
12. Coaches are seen as role models and young people learn by example. Be a positive role model - enthuse and motivate the students.
2. Match Officials
1. Officials should do their utmost to ensure that the players enjoy the experience of playing for their club.
2. Be a positive role model and lead by example.
3. Recognise that the safety of players is paramount.
4. Explain their decisions clearly and concisely, remembering at all times to be fair and unbiased.
5. Refuse to tolerate or condone foul play of any kind.
6. Emphasise the spirit and the ethos of the game through promoting fair play and respect.
7. Take time to speak to players and coaches before and after the game.
Players - All players should:-
1. Adhere to the spirit and ethos of the game.
2. Where rules apply; learn them and stick to them. They should never attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
3. Never use violence or bullying tactics (physical or emotional) on or off the field of play.
4. Treat all players as they themselves would wish to be treated.
5. Be a good sport and encourage good sportsmanship from their fellow players, coaches, officials and parents. 6. Respect the referee and accept their decision; let the captain or coach ask any necessary questions.
7. Respect and listen to their coach.
8. Remember that the aim of the game is to have fun, improve skills and feel good.
9. Work equally hard for the team as for themselves. Strong team cohesion is far superior to a great individual.
10.Be understanding of those who are less naturally gifted; encouraging and helping them to improve.
11.See it as an honour to play for your club. They should try their best when playing and be humble in both victory and defeat. Never belittle or undermine their opposition. When travelling to other clubs should remember that they are representing your clubl. All players should abide by the club's and coaches’ expectations of behaviour when travelling
13.Shake the referee’s, opposition players’ and opposition coach’s hand after every game.
4. Spectators
Spectators should remember the following:-
1. Players play sport for their own fun. They are not there solely to entertain you and they are not professional sportsmen and women.
2. Do not harass or swear at players, coaches or officials.
3. Applaud good play by both sides and show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.
4. Never ridicule a player for making a mistake during a competitive match of any kind.
5. Condemn the use of violence in all forms.
6. Respect the decisions made by officials.
7. Encourage players always to play to the rules.
8. Enjoy the game whether your team wins or not.
Club Code of Conduct
Please spend a couple of minutes reading the information below. Our Code of Conduct is for your comfort and safety and to ensure you enjoy your visit to BISC. At BISC we aim to ensure that all those who use our facilities are able to do so in a pleasant and friendly environment.
Persons using the Clubhouse are asked to consider other users at all times and not to put themselves or others at risk by their conduct
Members violating any rules or regulations of the club, or demonstrating behaviour deemed by the Management to be detrimental to the welfare, good order, safety or character of the club or its Members, including foul, abusive or threatening language, rudeness, any of the ‘isms’ and the slightest hint of bullying or violence will be asked to leave the Clubhouse immediately and will be subject to the Club’s disciplinary procedures as well as those of their own section.
Members and Guests are expected to show respect to the Clubhouse and Grounds ensuring the appropriate use of all our facilities at all times. Members, patrons and their guests must treat the Clubhouse, Grounds, its staff and members with courtesy and respect at all times.
Children are to be supervised at ALL times both inside and outside the Clubhouse. In the interest of the safety and comfort of all club members and guests please do not allow your children to run around the Bar/Lounge area, Terrace or Car Park. Only authorised people are allowed on the AGP or the goal areas on the grass.
In the interest of safety all types of balls or other throwing objects manufactured for outdoor use should not be used in the Clubhouse
No boots with any type of stud or spike are to be worn in the Bar/Lounge at any time.
Appropriate dress, to include sports attire, is expected in the Bar/Lounge at all times.
Kit bags must not obstruct doors or walkthroughs including the Bar/Lounge area. If any kit bags are found to be obstructing such areas they will be removed immediately.
The decisions of the Club Managers or person in charge of the Bar/Clubhouse are final in all aspects of Members and Guests safety and comfort.
The management of the club reserves the right to amend and add to these conditions of membership and rules as it sees fit and the member shall observe any amended or additional conditions or rules so made. It is also the Club’s aim to ensure that Members and their Guests receive a high level of service befitting our Club.
The Management, therefore, will undertake to provide:
courteous welcome
An efficient service
clean and welcoming environment
appropriate atmosphere befitting the time of day/occasion
Well-groomed bar staff
We can all play our part in ensuring that we enjoy the highest standards possible so that we can all be proud of our Club. If there is any issue regarding behaviour, repairs or cleanliness then please raise this as soon as possible with the Club Managers or Bar Staff so that appropriate action may be taken. If you feel it is appropriate to elevate any issue or would like to comment on the Clubhouse Code of Conduct, please advise the Club Chairman or Secretary. Please play your part to keep our Club one of the friendliest places to both play your sport and socialise. Thank you in advance.
Whilst we all want everyone to have a good time and relax. We also have to respect everyone who visits the premises and obey the law.
Smoking on the club premises is strictly restricted to within the white picket fenced terrace area.
Whilst we understand that weed is less serious than Cocaine, and Police can be lenient, many members are offended by the pervasive smell and illegality. BISC is a keen sports club and we would hope that our members come here to improve their health. Please do not smoke weed on club premises.
BISC have a zero tolerance approach to drugs. Anyone found on the premises using or in possesion of any illegal substances will be identified, ejected and banned.
In appropriate circumstances the Police will be called.
Want to learn more about our services? Contact us today.
Managing issues in behaviour before they escalate often relies on creating positive environments and addressing smaller challenges early.
I can feel the heart rate quicken, the stomach tighten and my will drain away – he’s done it again. We’re not even ten minutes into the session and he’s fired the basketball at another boy. He’d missed a shot seven times in a row during practice. Everyone else was getting at least a few in. He clearly wasn’t expecting that as the alpha male in his peer group. I can only guess this was verging on humiliating for him. He needed to re-establish his alpha-maleness.
Even when I reflect back on the multitude of times I've experienced this, or other similar scenarios, I can sense the same emotions bubble up.
I coached club basketball, curriculum basketball and after-school basketball and by far the most challenging were the schools sessions. Large class sizes, small gyms, little equipment, and varying levels of enthusiasm for the sport. It was challenging for a young, inexperienced coach, who had been fast-tracked through a level two qualification on the back of my playing credentials.
My best, or maybe only, strategy in the face of the challenging behaviour was trial and error – ignore, punish, appease, praise, incentivise, banish, the list goes on. One other worthy of note is ‘publicly putting down a peg or two’, which is one I have seen frequently used and used myself. When you call this what it is, humiliation, it doesn’t sound so good.
What I struggled with most was what to do in the context of the whole group. The immediate aftermath of a flare-up often took ten minutes to resolve. Ten minutes in a one hour session is a lot, especially when you then find yourself thinking about the incident and the individual for the rest of the session, replaying it in your mind.
I hated the idea that I was going to compromise the quality of the session for the other 20 kids because I was dealing with one individual.
So that everyone doesn’t have to just use the time-consuming 'trial and error' technique that I did, here are some basic suggestions, stolen from a UK Coaching resource.
Most of these are about creating positive environments or addressing smaller challenges that prevent reaching that accumulated point of explosion.
Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement involves giving a ‘reward’ for good behaviour, such as following training instructions or performing a skill.
To ensure positive behaviour is maintained, rewards could include simply commenting on good practice or offering a smile. By creating an association between good behaviour and positive feelings, athletes will wish to receive further rewards and will continue to behave well.
Negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement involves providing negative response to bad behaviour.
The coach can try telling the athletes to stop a bad behaviour or present a situation where if bad behaviour is continued a negative consequence will occur. An example could be the coach stating that if the group is badly behaved, they won’t play the games they most enjoy.
This is split into two categories. Similar to negative reinforcement, the first is a negative consequence given when participants behave badly; for example, making the athletes do exercises like press-ups – although caution should be used when adopting this action. If a coach uses press-ups as a form of punishment, members of the group may think they are subsequently being punished if the coach then wishes to include press-ups in a circuit session.
The second type of punishment involves the removal of something positive when athletes behave badly. The punishment can take the form of being excluded from that part of the session in one of three types of ‘time out’.
‘Observational time out’ is taking the athlete out of the session but allowing them to watch. This allows the athlete to see the fun they are missing, thus encouraging a sense of loss.
An ‘exclusion time out’ is where the young athlete is not allowed to watch the session. This could be by sitting the athlete in a safe position in a session going on next to the main session.
A ‘seclusion time out’ is where the young athlete is completely removed from the session, with the coach asking a parent* to take the athlete home.
Tactical ignoring
Tactical ignoring differs from the previous three strategies. As bad behaviour is often an attempt to gain attention, it can be stopped when no reaction is shown.
By ignoring safe inappropriate behaviour, that behaviour is not being ‘rewarded’ with attention and will lead to it stopping.
When I read through the suggestions above, my immediate reaction was that this is common-sense or basic stuff. However, when I think back to the sessions where I purposefully integrated some of the strategies suggested, especially the preventative ones, I struggle to remember the details of those sessions.
This tells me a few things:
I can remember vividly episodes of bad behaviour and if I can’t remember specific sessions from yester-year that is probably a good thing.
When I was purposeful about creating a positive coaching environment, good things happened.
I don’t claim to understand the psychology of it all but little things, delivered at a personal level, can make a big difference.